Education Prize 2021

Audience's favourite
Dance training for people with a disability


Crowdfunding Results




Working on the dream of dancers with a (learning) disability.

About the Project

Kobe was dancing in his bedroom for years. Thanks to Platform-K, he has already performed in several productions.

Hannah was dreaming about becoming a dancer since she was little. But she had no access to professional dance training.

Like this, there are many stories...

If you have a learning disability and you dream of becoming a dancer, you have very limited options. People with a disability are excluded from professional dance training. 

The mission of Platform-K is to fill this gap. We believe that dancers with a disability are an added value to the contemporary dance scene.

To do this, we train dancers with a disability and we create productions with dancers with and without a disability.

Read more

At Platform-K, we invest in dancers with a disability. The goal of an inclusive dance scene can only be reached if we have dancers with a disability who are professionally trained. 

How do we work?

On the one hand, we offer training programmes to people with a disability. We give them tools to become strong, self-aware dancers.

On the other hand, we change the perception of dance companies and dance school. 

Our training programme consists of different modules.

  1. Beginners: Basic dance training. Motivation and talent are the key selection criteria.
  2. Advanced level: we support dancers to develop a personal dance identity. We offer yoga (strength, flexibility and concentration), contemporary dance technique (technique translated to their bodies), creative lab (improvisation) and presentation. We also have coaching sessions to exchange ideas, feedback and ambitions.
  3. Individual trajectory: the dancers in the advanced level need more challenge. Therefore, we offer residencies and work together with dance academies (level graduate school). In residencies, we create time and space for two dancers: one dancer with and one without a disability. Together they explore the possibilities of cooperation. This can lead to a presentation, but the focus is more on the process. We also collaborate with dance academies. Some dancers attend a course in the regular dance educational field. We believe this is interesting in both ways: for the dancer with a disability it is challenging, for the students of the dance academy it opens their eyes and shows them a different world and inspiration. E.g. Hannah attented courses with Ultima Vez, Belgian company of Wim Vandekeybus. 

Why should you support us?

By supporting this project, you become a supporter of inclusive dance. You help with a big impact on many. 

Be talented

People with a disability grow up with a focus on what they can't do. Becoming a professional dancer changes that. They learn about what they are talented in. They get praise from the public.The network of Kobe, Hannah and the other dancers expands as a result of taking part in performances, going on tour.

Be a role model

The dancers of Platform-K are a role model for many people with a disability and their family. They show that many things are possible, even with a disability. They inspire dancers without disabilities to overcome their difficulties.

Create an inclusive dance scene

Choreographers sometimes hesitate to work with dancers with a disability. Once they get to know them, they see possibilities. E.g.Lisi Estaras made Monkey Mind with Platform-K. After that production, she often invited the dancers of Platform-K to attend "Monkey Mind"-workshops. She experienced that the atmosphere was more creative and free with the dancers of Platform-K present.

Who are we?

Platform-K is a dance company based in Ghent, Belgium. We train dancers with a disability. We create dance productions. 

Frauke Seynnaeve

Frauke Seynnaeve

Education Specialist

PLK Kask februari 2021 (3)

Samuel Van Eyck



Juki Rosiers


Residentie Remco en Fanny foto door Björn Comhaire (5)

Fanny Vandesande


Sarah Snoeij

Sarah Snoeij


Zanne (c) Michiel Devijver

Zanne Boon


Lies Heirbaut

Lies Heirbaut


Inge Lattre

Inge Lattré

Artistic Director

Danswerkplek 2019 foto door Silver de Kwaasteniet (13)

Kobe Wyffels


Residentie Remco en Fanny foto door Björn Comhaire (57)

Remco Sabbe


vero 1

Veronique Mees


IMG_2017 (4)

Natasa Frantzi



Oskar Stalpaert


Danswerkplek 2019 foto door Silver de Kwaasteniet (45)

Hannah Bekemans


Danswerkplek 2019 foto door Silver de Kwaasteniet (48)

Fernando Amado


Anna (c) rudy carlier

Anna Dujardin



Thanks to the support of FEDORA's Corporate Donor Secutix, the first €1,000 donated to "Dance training for people with a disability" will be doubled.

Anonymous donated 3 years ago

Marie-Suzanne Lint donated 3 years ago

Lien Smet donated 3 years ago

Constanze Tanneberger donated 3 years ago

Jan Depoortere donated 3 years ago

Daan Cools donated 3 years ago

Müge Altay donated 3 years ago

Sofie Willems donated 3 years ago

Gertjan Oppalfens donated 3 years ago

Rita Rouges donated 3 years ago

Ange Wieberdink donated 3 years ago

Karen Vos donated 3 years ago

Gudrun Heymans donated 3 years ago

Wim De Paepe donated 3 years ago

Loïc Van der Heyden donated 3 years ago

Koen de Visscher donated 3 years ago

Jan Gysels donated 3 years ago

Bert Vandenbussche donated 3 years ago

Annelies Storms donated 3 years ago

Anonymous donated 3 years ago

Koen Deweer donated 3 years ago

tineke de pourcq donated 3 years ago

Anonymous donated 3 years ago

Anonymous donated 3 years ago

François Grenet donated 3 years ago

Tim Maenhout donated 3 years ago

Marie Grenet donated 3 years ago

Lies Van den eynden donated 3 years ago

angelo didier donated 3 years ago

Toon Maillard donated 3 years ago

Leen De Busscher donated 3 years ago

Annelies Poppe donated 3 years ago

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Please note that according to the Charities Aid Foundation, UK residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations between GBP 100 and GBP 9,999.

Please note that according to the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Swiss residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations of minimum 100 CHF.

Donations as of €5 are still possible via FEDORA's payment page for anyone wishing to make a donation of under £100 or 100 CHF without receiving a tax receipt.

Learn more about possible benefits or tax deductions related to your donation here.

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