Opera Prize 2025

Hôtel Moctezuma

Crowdfunding Results





Number of donors

Pledge without a reward

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With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive € thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €20

From 20€, you are a... PROJECT FOLLOWER.

Thank you so much for your donation ! 

Your rewards : 
- A thank you email written by our General director and the artists of the project

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €40 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €50

From 50€, you are a... PROJECT SUPPORTER.

Thank you so much for your donation ! 

Your rewards :
- A thank you email written by our General director and the artists of the project
- A limited edition goodie of the show

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €100 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €200

From 200€, you are a PROJECT DEFENDER.

We will have exclusive gifts for you so that you can prove that you are one of the first supporters of the project !

Your rewards : 
– Preview access to the show rehearsals
– 1 limited edition goodie of the piece
– 1 invitation to the exclusive preview presentation of the musical season
– 1 invitation to an orchestra rehearsal
– 1 invitation to a selected activity for the Cercle Maestro

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €400 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €400

From 400€, you are a PROJECT DEFENDER.

We will have exclusive gifts for you so that you can prove that you are one of the first supporters of the project !

Your rewards :

– 1 limited edition goodie of the piece
– 2 invitations to the show's premiere
– 2 invitations to the exclusive season presentation
– 2 invitations to an orchestra rehearsal
– 2 invitations to selected activities for the Maestro's Circle

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €800 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €750

From 750€, you are a PROJECT ADVOCATOR.

Your rewards :

– Your name / company logo in the booklet and on the patrons wall (physical and digital)
– 2 limited edition goodies
– 2 VIP tickets of the show's premiere - including 2 invitations to a cocktail with the artists
– 2 invitations to the exclusive preview presentation of the musical season
– 2 invitations to a concert of your choice
– 2 invitations to orchestra rehearsals
– 2 Invitations to selected activities for the Cercle Maestro

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €1,500 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.
Special notice about recommending a donation:

You are about to make a donation to FEDORA, a French non-profit organisation, to support the crowdfunding campaign of the FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 on the FEDORA Platform. Donors can recommend a distribution of their donations to a specific nominated project, but FEDORA is in charge at its discretion to forward the funds to the Nominees. Upon completing your donation, FEDORA or the Transnational Giving Europe Partner will provide you with more information regarding your donation receipt, allowing you to claim tax relief on your donation. Please note that by donating online, you accept our Legal Notice (https://www.fedora-platform.com/more-infos/legal-notice). Thank you for your generosity!
If you are a company or tax resident in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland or United Kingdom and do not wish to receive the associated crowdfunding benefits, you can receive a tax receipt instead. To do so, please click on “Pledge without a reward” and type in the amount you wish to donate.
Please note that according to the Charities Aid Foundation, UK residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations between GBP 100 and GBP 9,999.

Please note that according to the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Swiss residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations of minimum 100 CHF. Donations as of €5 are still possible via FEDORA's payment page for anyone wishing to make a donation of under £100 or 100 CHF without receiving a tax receipt.

Learn more about possible benefits or tax deductions related to your donation here.

Learn more about the crowdfunding campaign here.

Inspiré de l’opéra Montezuma de Vivaldi (1733) et du roman Concierto Barroco d’Alejo Carpentier (1974), Hôtel Moctezuma est un opera-thriller existentiel qui aborde la représentation des femmes, la décolonisation et le changement climatique.

Inspired by Vivaldi's opera "Montezuma" (1733) and Alejo Carpentier's novel "Concierto Barroco" (1974), "Hôtel Moctezuma" is an existential multilingual opera-thriller on the representation of women, decolonization, and climate change.

About the Project


Synopsis :

Xóchitl, une jeune Mexicaine voyageant en Europe, arrive enfin dans la ville de ses rêves : Venise. Un voyage minutieusement planifié promet des plaisirs romantiques : visites touristiques, balade en gondole et dîner aux chandelles sur la Piazza San Marco. Cependant, des complications imprévues surgissent. Des disputes avec son fiancé et un hôtel de luxe en déclin menacent de gâcher ses vacances de rêve. L’histoire prend un tournant surréaliste : la beauté de Venise se transforme en un labyrinthe énigmatique, brouillant les frontières entre réalité et illusion. Le récit évolue en un thriller existentiel, interrogeant la perception de la réalité et la nature des relations humaines, transformant ce voyage en une odyssée envoûtante.Inspiré de l’opéra Montezuma de Vivaldi (1733) et du roman Concierto Barroco d’Alejo Carpentier (1974), Hôtel Moctezuma est une nouvelle création conçue par une équipe pluridisciplinaire et multiculturelle composée de 4 jeunes artistes : la compositrice Diana Syrse et le librettiste Carlos José Pérez Sámano, tous les deux Mexicains, la metteuse en scène polonaise Ewa Rucinska et le chorégraphe français Jean Hostache.

Hôtel Moctezuma est un opéra contemporain qui aborde des thématiques actuelles telles que la décolonisation, l’immigration, le changement climatique et la sous-représentation des femmes dans les récits historiques, les ouvrages littéraires et lyriques. Les artistes ont fait le choix d’employer la poétique du réalisme magique latino-américain et l’esthétique du carnaval vénitien – car c’est à Venise que l’histoire se passe – afin d’aborder ces questions brûlantes sans tomber dans le piège des accusations politiques, mais plutôt par le prisme de l’absurde, de la magie et du paradoxe.

Dans Hôtel Moctezuma, la musique est une hybridation de styles et rythmiques et incorpore aux instruments classiques de l’orchestre des instruments traditionnels latino-américains et de l’électronique. 

Le livret est multilingue et emploie, à côté du français et de l’espagnol, de langues mésoaméricaines indigènes, inédites dans l’histoire de l’opéra, comme le nahuatl (aztèque) et le tzotzil (maya).

La grammaire chorégraphique est celle de la fête et du carnaval, ce qui donne aux personnages un espace exutoire et libérateur pour renverser l’ordre établi et basculer dans une dimension onirique.

Read more


Synopsis :

Xóchitl, a young Mexican woman traveling in Europe, finally arrives in the city of her dreams: Venice. A meticulously planned trip promises romantic pleasures—sightseeing, a gondola ride, and a candlelit dinner in Piazza San Marco. However, unforeseen complications arise. Disputes with her fiancé and a luxury hotel in decline threaten to ruin her dream vacation. The story takes a surreal turn—the beauty of Venice transforms into an enigmatic labyrinth, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. The story evolves into an existential thriller, questioning the perception of reality and the nature of human relationships, turning this journey into an enchanting odyssey."

Inspired by Vivaldi's opera "Montezuma" (1733) and Alejo Carpentier's novel "Concierto Barroco" (1974), "Hôtel Moctezuma" is a new opera led by a multidisciplinary and multicultural team of four young artists: composer Diana Syrse and librettist Carlos José Pérez Sámano, both from Mexico, Polish director Ewa Rucinska, and French choreographer Jean Hostache.

This opera aims to tackle current issues such as decolonization, immigration, climate change, and the underrepresentation of women in historical narratives. The artists have chosen to use the poetics of Latin American magical realism and the aesthetics of the Venetian carnival — since the story takes place in Venice—to address these pressing topics in a non-offensive way, avoiding political accusations, instead exploring them through the lens of absurdity, magic, and paradox.

In Hôtel Moctezuma, the music is a hybridization of styles and rhythms— Latin American, Caribbean, contemporary and experimental—incorporating native instruments from Latin America and electronics alongside acoustic instruments.

The libretto is multilingual, featuring French, Spanish, and indigenous languages like Nahuatl (Aztec) and Tzotzil (Maya).

The choreography embodies the grammar of celebration and carnival, offering the characters a liberating and cathartic space to overthrow the established order and shift into a dreamlike dimension.

Why should you support us?

Défenseur de la création contemporaine et des artistes émergents, l’Opéra Orchestre vous encourage à soutenir cette création innovante.

Par votre don, vous :

• devenez acteur d’une création lyrique dont la portée sera internationale ;
• soutenez la création contemporaine et la carrière d’artistes émergents ;
• défendez les droits culturels d’artistes et spectateurs non européens par la création d’un opéra qui porte sur scène de nouveaux récits, languages et sonorités ;
• bénéficiez de 66% du montant de votre don en réduction d’impôt.FR

Soutenez dès maintenant Hôtel Moctezuma et laissez votre empreinte dans l’histoire de la création lyrique ! 

Support Hôtel Moctezuma: A Thrilling, Boundary-Breaking Opera

Hôtel Moctezuma isn’t just an opera; it’s a cultural journey that challenges conventions and explores critical issues of our time—decolonization, female presence, climate change, and migration—through the vibrant lenses of Latin American magical realism and Venetian carnival aesthetics. It’s a celebration of diversity and resilience, offering audiences a rare glimpse into histories often pushed to the periphery.

By donating to this opera, you are supporting : 

- the young and emerging lyrical, theater and dance scene
- the use of non-european langages in opera librettos 
- inclusion and diversity both on stage and in the creative teams of tomorrow   groundbreaking production is more than just a performance
- the opening from the audience and musicians to new sounds and musical esthetics, thanks to the use of native and electronic instruments

By supporting Hôtel Moctezuma, you’re helping bring a fresh, bold, and inclusive perspective to the stage. Join us in making this one-of-a-kind opera an unforgettable experience—one that resonates far beyond the walls of the theater.

Donate now to be part of this journey!

Who are we?

Led since 2013 by general director Valérie Chevalier and with the recent arrival of american conductor Roderick Cox as its new musical director, the Opéra Orchestre national Montpellier Occitanie is established as one of the major companies in the French musical landscape. The institution is distinguished by its commitment to artistic and cultural excellence and to ensuring its operas, concerts and family events are accessible to the broadest audience.

One season of the Opera Orchestre Montpellier is made of more than 150 events : operas, symphonic concerts, movie-concerts, escape game, music workshops for babies, DJ sets... a modern and bold programming offer that never fails its 200 000 attendees and spectators. 


The Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation Opera Matching Funder (2)

Christian Barich donated 1 hour ago

Agnieszka Puszkarska donated 10 hours ago

Anna Flynn donated 10 hours ago

Anonymous donated 17 hours ago

Anonymous donated 18 hours ago

Anonymous donated 18 hours ago

Anonymous donated 18 hours ago

Ewa Kaluzinska donated 22 hours ago

Wodzynski Stefan donated 23 hours ago

Franciska Ery donated 1 day ago

josefa Costa Planells donated 5 days ago

Marie-laure Fontaine donated 6 days ago

Thibault Gueho donated 11 days ago

Cristina Goletti donated 13 days ago

Pierre Jacquot donated 22 days ago

Sylvie Gsell donated 22 days ago

jacqueline auberger donated 26 days ago

Ralf Koebnik donated 1 month ago

Catherine GERMONNEAU donated 1 month ago

Lysiane Louis donated 1 month ago

Christine Bonnet donated 1 month ago

Valerie Chevalier donated 1 month ago

Michel DAVID donated 1 month ago

Sasha Valdés donated 1 month ago

Gérard Delacour donated 1 month ago

Valerie Dimeglio donated 1 month ago

Cecile Burgert donated 2 months ago

Concha Alborg donated 2 months ago

Pledge without a reward

Incorrect value. Please check the field

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive € thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €20

From 20€, you are a... PROJECT FOLLOWER.

Thank you so much for your donation ! 

Your rewards : 
- A thank you email written by our General director and the artists of the project

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €40 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €50

From 50€, you are a... PROJECT SUPPORTER.

Thank you so much for your donation ! 

Your rewards :
- A thank you email written by our General director and the artists of the project
- A limited edition goodie of the show

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €100 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €200

From 200€, you are a PROJECT DEFENDER.

We will have exclusive gifts for you so that you can prove that you are one of the first supporters of the project !

Your rewards : 
– Preview access to the show rehearsals
– 1 limited edition goodie of the piece
– 1 invitation to the exclusive preview presentation of the musical season
– 1 invitation to an orchestra rehearsal
– 1 invitation to a selected activity for the Cercle Maestro

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €400 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €400

From 400€, you are a PROJECT DEFENDER.

We will have exclusive gifts for you so that you can prove that you are one of the first supporters of the project !

Your rewards :

– 1 limited edition goodie of the piece
– 2 invitations to the show's premiere
– 2 invitations to the exclusive season presentation
– 2 invitations to an orchestra rehearsal
– 2 invitations to selected activities for the Maestro's Circle

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €800 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.

For €750

From 750€, you are a PROJECT ADVOCATOR.

Your rewards :

– Your name / company logo in the booklet and on the patrons wall (physical and digital)
– 2 limited edition goodies
– 2 VIP tickets of the show's premiere - including 2 invitations to a cocktail with the artists
– 2 invitations to the exclusive preview presentation of the musical season
– 2 invitations to a concert of your choice
– 2 invitations to orchestra rehearsals
– 2 Invitations to selected activities for the Cercle Maestro

With your donation, Hôtel Moctezuma will receive €1,500 thanks to the matching of Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation.
Special notice about recommending a donation:

You are about to make a donation to FEDORA, a French non-profit organisation, to support the crowdfunding campaign of the FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 on the FEDORA Platform. Donors can recommend a distribution of their donations to a specific nominated project, but FEDORA is in charge at its discretion to forward the funds to the Nominees. Upon completing your donation, FEDORA or the Transnational Giving Europe Partner will provide you with more information regarding your donation receipt, allowing you to claim tax relief on your donation. Please note that by donating online, you accept our Legal Notice (https://www.fedora-platform.com/more-infos/legal-notice). Thank you for your generosity!
If you are a company or tax resident in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland or United Kingdom and do not wish to receive the associated crowdfunding benefits, you can receive a tax receipt instead. To do so, please click on “Pledge without a reward” and type in the amount you wish to donate.
Please note that according to the Charities Aid Foundation, UK residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations between GBP 100 and GBP 9,999.

Please note that according to the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Swiss residents can only obtain a tax receipt for donations of minimum 100 CHF. Donations as of €5 are still possible via FEDORA's payment page for anyone wishing to make a donation of under £100 or 100 CHF without receiving a tax receipt.

Learn more about possible benefits or tax deductions related to your donation here.

Learn more about the crowdfunding campaign here.

Special notice about the crowdfunding campaign

You can find out more about the donation-based crowdfunding campaign on the FEDORA Platform here.


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