
FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 Digital Jury - Cover Photos


FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 - Digital Jury

24 June 2024

Meet the Jury members of the FEDORA Digital Prize 2025, supported by Kearney.

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FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 Opera Jury - Cover Photos


FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 - Opera Jury

24 June 2024

Meet the Jury members of the FEDORA Opera Prize 2025, supported by The Silver Company.

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FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 Dance Jury - Cover Photos


FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 - Dance Jury

24 June 2024

Meet the Jury members of the FEDORA - VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Dance Prize 2025, supported by Van Cleef & Arpels.

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FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 Education Jury - Cover Photos

Meet the Jury members of the FEDORA Education Prize 2025, supported by Carlara International.

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fedora call for applications

The call for applications for the FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025 has been extended until 17 May 2024!

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Mont Ventoux - Korsia - Premiere 19.10.2023 (c) Maria Alperi (14)


Upcoming Performances of Mont Ventoux

29 April 2024

Discover the upcoming performances of Mont Ventoux, winner of the FEDORA - VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Dance Prize 2023...

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FEDORA Prizes visual


FAQs - FEDORA Prizes Biennale

01 March 2024


FAQs for the FEDORA Prizes Biennale 2025.

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On 19 October, the winner of the FEDORA - VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Dance Prize 2023, Mont Ventoux, came to life on the stage of the Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center in Madrid, Spain.

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FEDORA Prizes, Winners

Prague National Theatre

FEDORA Digital Prize Winners at the Golden Prague Festival

21 September 2023

Prague / Czech Republic

On 21 September, the Winners of the FEDORA Digital Prizes will reunite in Prague, during the Golden Prague Festival, for a conversation moderated by the FEDORA Digital Prize jury chair, Peter Maniura, director of the IMZ Academy.

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Conference Digital Revolution

FEDORA Prizes, Winners

FEDORA Digital Prize Winner 2023: The Sound Voice Project at the ITEAC 2023

19 September 2023

London / United Kingdom

On 19 and 20 September 2023, Hannah Conway had the opportunity to present The Sound Voice Project, winner of the FEDORA Digital Prize 2023, at the ITEAC 2023 - International Theatre Engineering & Architecture Conference.

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