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New Education and Digital Janáček centre © NdB i
Our aim is to create a unique venue where additional educational activities will be combined. The National Theatre Brno currently operates its educational activities in insufficient various parts of its premises. The venue will be divided into 3 halls + facilities and will be complemented by a public coffee house with a simple gastronomy. We will build New Education and Digital Centre for opera and ballet projects - to extend our communication with young audience through modern technologies – virtual reality, 3D, 360˚ plans of our buildings, educational computer games aimed to Leoš Janáček’s and other Czech composers’ works. We will collaborate with creative schools and universities in Brno. One of the specific projects will be educational game based on L. Janacek’s´ opera The Excursion of Mr. Brouček.
Our aim is to focused on people with difficult access to theatre such as disable people, people in hospitals, homes for the elderly or people who can´t effort to go to theatre. We will organize community program in cooperation with universities and artistic schools. The specific project will be for children and adults from socially disadvantaged groups in cooperation with non - profit organizations such as “Little Man” or “Helping Hands”. The Ballet School called Ivo Vaňa Psota will also be an integral part of this centre. The I. V. Psota Ballet School has been operating in Brno for more than 90 years and has a rich tradition and a good reputation. The Ballet School provides courses for both children and adults. During the school year, selected students are included in ballet, opera and drama performances at the Janáček and Mahen Theaters. The ballet school, which was attended by a number of dancers of the NdB ballet ensemble and current students of the Dance Conservatory in Brno, is run by experienced teachers.
Project Team
Martin Glaser is the father of the idea of this project. As a director of the National theatre Brno, he has all manager skill and experiences relevant for the project implementation. He was born in 1974 in Sokolov. In 1994 - 1999 he studied Directing and Dramaturgy for Dramatic Theatre at The Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. During his studies, he established the generation „Theatre on the Threshold“ where he presented his first productions. During his studies he accepted an engagement of the South Bohemian Theatre, where he had been a resident director since 1998 and then an artistic director of the drama ensemble since 2006. During his leadership, the ensemble was profiled to present contemporary plays, with a great emphasis on the precise interplay of the actors' ensemble, which, at the end of his work, belonged among the best Czech drama companies. Since 2013, he has been the director of the National Theater Brno (including ballet, drama and opera). He is also the director of two international festivals organized by this theatre, one opera (Janacek Brno), the other focused on drama and movement theatre (Theatre World Brno). In addition to "directorship", he is still directing, and for the NdB stage he staged Havel in the Farm Workers Country by Františák, opera Jenufa by Janáček, Petrol Lamps by Havlíček, Measure for Measure by Shakespeare, Terror by Schirach. His artistic feeling and hard work with actors brought to the National Theatre Brno two prestigious Czech theatre awards - Thalia Award for the Best Actor in the opera Jenufa and for the Best Actress in Petrol Lamps. Recently, he has directed opera performances: Verdi´s Othello, Schumann´s Genoveva, Janáček´s Jenufa, Tchaikovsky´s The Queen of Spades, Don Carlos. As a guest he has worked in many Czech famous theaters and has staged almost 50 productions.
Support sustainable innovation in opera and dance