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Prize for Ballet 2017
03 / 00
Dance project in which we shall try to merge contemporaneitiy with ancient Greek culture that is represented with the statue of Apoxyomenos, disciovered some years ago in Crotian Adriatic Sea. As Greek cultue had produced a major impact on countries and regions of Mediterranean circle, the choreographer will, with fine choreographic technigue remove layer after layer of history and culture showng his vision of manhood and care of one's body that was so important within ancient Greek athlets. Soloists, corps de ballet and probably choir and orchestra will follow his vision and present it to the audiences. For this project the music will be composed by Tamara Obrovac, world known artist with a great sensibility towards ethno-jazz approach that will extraordinary follow the idea of the choreographer and connect ancient echos with the world we today live in.
APOXYMENOS © Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb i
Artistic Team
Choreographer: Claudio Bernardo This project would be the first international cooproduction of Ballet of CNT in Zagreb with reputed Belgium cultural institutions. It will merge Belgium artists with the soloists and ensemble of the CNT Ballet in Zagreb, that is the most significant ballet company in the region. The project is thought as bringing together cultural heritage ofregions of Mediterranean cirlce as the theme of the ballet connects many countries. With the creativity of chosen choreographer and coproducers the project will have break through on West European venues.
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