Fondazione Teatro Massimo Palermo Visibility Campaign 2022

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31 October 2022

Palermo / Italy

Experience Opera and Ballet Online, Platform Members, Roadshow

Instant Opera

INSTANT OPERA, part of the Opera City initiative, is an innovative format providing the creation of a live music composition, with a musical score including both composed parts and improvisation, that aims to involve the audience also as performer.

The intent is to convey the energies and synergies of a musical performance in an immersive and active involvement of the audience-performer in a special, unique context, in this case the suburbs of Palermo, as already happened for the 2018 and 2019 editions of the project Opera City in Danisinni. 

For this edition of the project, in addition to the composition training course for the young students of the Conservatory of Palermo, three workshops dedicated to the young residents of the Sperone, Roccella and Brancaccio neighbourhoods will be realised: a percussion music workshop, a make-up workshop and a workshop for the construction of percussion instruments, made in collaboration with the staff of the Scenography Laboratories of Fondazione Teatro Massimo Palermo in Brancaccio. Next step, rehearsals and a music show, right in the territory of the suburbs. All the planned phases will become a documentary subtitled in English. 

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