Theater Madgeburg Roadshow

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11 March 2018

Magdeburg / Germany


Theater Magdeburg organized a conference about fundraising in the field of culture on March 11th, 2018. On this occasion, Theater Magdeburg has invited experts from the science and business fields and gave the audience the possibility to discuss with the special guests.

Among the guests were Helmut Herdt (Städtische Werke Magdeburg), David Jackson (co-founder of The Art of Business/, Katja Mittag (NGO Cooperations on and Michel Redlich (Chairman of the Förderverein TheaterMagdeburg e.V.)

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Experience Opera and Ballet Online, Platform Members, Roadshow

Greek National Opera

Greek National Opera Visibility Campaign 2022

01 August 2022

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Roadshow 2019 - Irish National Opera


Irish National Opera

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Den Jyske Opera

Den Jyske Opera Roadshow

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