Prague National Theatre Visibility Campaign 2023

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15 October 2023

Prague / Czech Republic

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Sustainability at the Prague National Theatre 

Ecological transformation is one of the biggest challenges of today's society. The Prague National Theatre is the largest theatre in the Czech Republic, and the size of its facilities and operations reflects this. Awareness of their responsibility to the planet and the environment has led them to establish a team that work diligently to make their operations more efficient and sustainable. Although this need has been accelerated by the energy crisis, the principles of sustainability apply to power strategies as well as to the production of sets and costumes, the functioning of the entire institution, catering, and even interpersonal relationships.

Globally, it appears that one of the most vocal promoters of this theme is the younger generation, as it is their future that will be most affected by the threat of the climate crisis. For this reason too, the working team also includes recent graduates of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts: Adam Bureš, economist of the National Theatre Opera and State Opera, and Nina Jacques, dramaturge of the National Theatre Drama Department, who has been working on international projects such as The Theatre Green Book for a long time.

Find out more about the sustainable activities of the National Theatre here.


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