In conversation with Judith Videcoq, Head of Unit of Creative Europe

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07 June 2024


FEDORA Ambassadors Series, FEDORA's Activities

On the occasion of the Creative Europe programme’s 10-year anniversary and the start to the European elections, we take this opportunity to emphasise the important role culture plays in Europe and how the Creative Europe programme supports and nurtures European diversity, creativity and competitiveness.

We had the pleasure of an exclusive interview at the Palais Garnier with Judith Videcoq, Head of Unit of Creative Europe, Directorate General of Education, Youth, Sports, and Culture of the European Commission.

She shared with us the impact that the European Commission has been able to achieve over the last decade through its 2.5 billion euros of funding to over 2,500 projects that foster cultural exchanges and innovation all over Europe, as well as their outlook on supporting emerging artists and cultural projects in the future.

Since 2017, the FEDORA Platform has been one of the beneficiaries of the Creative Europe programme as the European reference showcase of emerging talents’ innovations in opera and dance.

Thanks to Creative Europe’s co-funding and quality stamp, FEDORA has been able to scale-up its activities of accompanying more innovative works by emerging artists to reach the stage and attract new audiences. We have boosted the building of international bridges between the private and cultural sector and generated local impact through roadshow events conducted by opera houses in our network.

Hence, FEDORA has established together with its members, partners and donors a thriving ecosystem, new hybrid funding models, knowledge-sharing and online cross-border giving tools, helping artistic talent and creativity to prosper and gain traction while encouraging sustainability, inclusion and digital transformation.

Watch the full interview to learn more about the shared values between the European Commission and FEDORA and their joint support of the next generation of artists.

“We spoke about the mission of the programme, working to preserve our heritage.
But more importantly, we are working for our future. Culture is our common DNA,
to use our heritage and give it fresh expressions and a new meaning is extremely
important for the next generation.”

Judith Videcoq
Head of Unit of Creative Europe  



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